Jello cubes and ice cream

Discussing our least favorite food at our least favorite grandma’s house, my sister and I remembered jello cubes stirred into softened ice cream. Any one else remember such a thing and do you remember a name? Very close to the recipe for Broken glass dessert or Crown Jewel dessert but with ice cream rather than whipped topping or cream.

Am I understanding this…jello cubes stirred into ice cream?? if so, sorry, I’ll pass. Regular jello topped with whipped cream, OK, even better, slightly hard jello, whipped with Cool Whip & refrigerated, that’s OK also. But…jello cubes anything is not to my liking.

Sorry if that isn’t the answer you wanted.

Yes, unfortunately you understood correctly! One of our childhood nightmares…LOL. Am amused and a bit obsessed with bizarre and unusual 1950’s/60’s recipes however.

Jello cubes in ice cream sounds unappealing! I was very young in the 60s but I distinctly remember that every recipe featured either Jello or Campbells soup. My mom even had a large poster that looked like a game board that was a mix and match to make casseroles where a can of soup (Campbells, of course) was the featured ingredient . You would choose one ingredient from each column and mix and match to make hundreds of combinations of different casseroles. From the first column you would choose a soup, from the second column you chose from different pasta, rice, noodle, etc. The next column was meats, next was fresh or frozen veggies, next was herbs, then cheeses. The final column was topping like bread, cracker, or potato chip crumbs. My brothers and I were fascinated with this “game” and our mother cooked many different casseroles.

Besides canned soups, Jello recipes had to be the next most popular of the 60s. My mom, as well as all of my friends moms, had a pantry full of jello and a shelf of Jello cookbooks. Every gathering featured jello of all sorts…desserts, salads, even main dishes. I remember how popular jello molds were then. My mom had a pineapple shaped mold and a fish shaped mold, and I remember seeing all varieties of molded jellos.

Wow! We could start a new thread on foods from our childhood…

Great! ARGH!
Now I’m going to have to find one of those board games on line!
I love stuff like that.

That poster hung in my mom’s kitchen until it was yellowed with age…I would love to find one too!

[b]I didn’t find a poster anywhere, but did find a file that was fun going thru…it has 50 pages of good stuff.
Go here and enjoy…I loved going thru this one. I think you will too.[/b]

Anyone up for what misik999 said…food fad recipes from the 1950’s & 60’s??? Maybe even TWO of them…

One that had (how can I say this) yucky recipes

The other with fabulous recipes we still make today???

Just wondering!

I’m up for it. I have to admit I read cookbooks from this era just to amuse myself. It’s such an interesting period of awakening food and culture for our country. Very amused by the processed food dumping, but also have a few recipes I love. An anchovy paste souffle is one of my favs.

Let’s do it! I will start two threads, and we can post our recipes and food memories from our childhoods! One good food memory/recipe thread, one “yucky” thread. :wink:

I loved my grandma to bits but she would sometimes feed us soft fruit from a tin and thin cream poured over the top. Doesn’t sound so awful now I think about it but when I was a kid I hated cream and milk but I would eat it because I didn’t want to hurt her feelings.

Jello cubes and ice cream was nothing more than regular jello set in a cake pan and then cut into cubes. Put a scoop of ice cream in a dish along with the jello cubes. Years ago most fast food type places always served their jello cut into cubes and put in serving dishes.

Nothing more than regular jello set in a cake pan and then cut into cubes. Put scoop of ice cream in a dish along with the jello cubes. By the way, the jello cuts easily with any regular knife. Years ago most fast food type places always served their jello cut into cubes and put in serving dishes.