La Cocina Chili Colorado con Carne

La Cocina is located in Taos, New Mexico. This makes a great 5-way chili that can be used so many ways and is terrific over rice! Adding beans is another option. Freezes well.

2 1/2 pounds ground beef
2 teaspoons salt
1/2 tablespoon garlic powder
1/2 tablespoon cumin
1/2 tablespoon caraway seeds
6 tablespoons red chili powder
6 tablespoons paprika
1 cup water
1/4 cup tomato sauce

In a large skillet place the meat and saute it on medium heat until it is done, drain off the fat. Add the salt, garlic powder, cumin, caraway seeds, red chili powder, and paprika. mix everything together well. Add in the water and tomato sauce. Mix them in well. Simmer the ingredients for 15 minutes.

Please note the quantity of the chili powder is 6 tablespoons, if you prefer less, please use less.