Large Batch Deviled Eggs

I’m not sure what it is about deviled eggs, but bringing them to a potluck always seems to be a successful dish. However, it seems like there’s a lot of work involved that might be made considerably easier. Also, and this may be due to technique, I find that sometimes the end product doesn’t look as presentable as it should.

A question for those adventuresome cooks, if I were to separate the egg yolks from their whites, do you believe it possible to cook the whites in a prepared muffin tin (the tins that make those really tiny muffins) and add the cooked and flavored yolks afterwards?

It seems by doing so, you could have more control over what the end product looked like, alleviating distortions made by the yolk resting too close to the edge of the white (creating a thinner barrier); flat spots where the air sack rested (and I’ve tried the pricking of a hole on both ends of the egg but still find the issue); and the infamous “ditches” that are made from the unsuccessful removal the shell from a hard-boiled egg (very unsightly). Ultimately, you would possibly have a more uniformed product.

Any ideas or suggestions? I’ve been known to bring about 48 eggs (96 halves) to some events and would like to find an easier method. Your input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.