Magic cinderella cake


"Now your can bake a Cinderella cake that changes like magic. It’s easy to whip it up with coconut-fruit, spice, chocolate or anything-else flavor, says Seventeen Magazine, which invented the recipe and features it in the Nov 1966 issue.

You always start with a hot-roll-mix and a cake mix - mixed. All the versions taste different, according to the cake mix flavor and choice of sweet bits. Fill the cake any way you want to – butter-scotch or chocolate bits, raisins, nuts or candied fruit. Some combinations seem a little like a pound cake, some like a fruitcake, others like a party coffee cake. Everything depends on the flavor and fillings you choose."

Following the 10-step directions for the magic Cinderella Cake:

Make one large cake or nine small ones.

You’ll need:
1 (16 oz) package Pillsbury Hot Roll Mix
1 (18.25 oz) package butter-type cake mix, divided use
1 cup warm (not hot) water
3 eggs
1 cup applesauce
5 cups sweet bits (see Step 5)

  1. Remove yeast from roll mix; pour mix into large electric mixer bowl.

  2. Set aside one cup cake mix; pour remainder into bowl with roll mix.

  3. Mix yeast from roll mix with warm water.

  4. Add yeast, eggs and applesauce to the mixes in the bowl. Beat slowly a minute or two to blend ingredients, then beat at high speed for eight minutes, scraping sides of bowl occasionally.

Meanwhile . . .
5. Mix the cup of reserved cake mix with five cups of sweet bits – using at least two for variety: candied cherries, raisins, chopped pitted dates, glaceed mixed fruit, semisweet chocolate pieces, flaked coconut, butterscotch pieces or chopped nuts. (If you’re using a very large fancy mold, use three cups of nuts and two cups of other goodies to prevent cake from breaking apart while being removed from the mold.)

  1. Fold goodies into bowl with mixes, continuing to stir till everything is evenly distributed throughout the batter.

  2. Fold batter into generously buttered angel-food pan
    or smaller molds. It will fill one angel pan,
    two 8 by 4 inch loaf pans, or nine 1-cup size pans.
    You can use juice cans or soup cans or doll-cake pans.
    Fill pans no more than three-fourths full,
    not to the top.

  3. Bake at 350 degrees F. (moderate oven) until cake pulls away from sides of pan and a cake tester or toothpick inserted deep in center comes out clean and dry. Small, one-cup pans, take about 20 to 25 minutes; large size takes an hour to an hour and 10 minutes.

  4. Cool in pan 30 minutes, then remove and finish cooling. To remove cake, loosen first around edges with sharp knife, then tap pan firmly on a counter surface and invert onto plate. If cake doesn’t slide out, gently separate it from pan (in one place only) with a long, thin knife, then repeat tapping and invert pan again. If necessary trim cake (after it has completely cooled) so that it rests flat on your cake plate. Frost if desired with butter-cream frosting-in-a-can.

  5. Cut and eat or wrap and pack and send away to a beau at school or freeze and save for Christmas – eating or giving.

Source: Seventeen Magazine, Nov 1966,
reprinted in The Lexington, NC - Dispatch newspaper, Nov 14, 1966

I got the recipe from the Google News archive of old online newspapers
that I just discovered. Some papers are viewable for free, with online copies from the late 1800’s through 1990 available.

Here’s the link to the article with the Magic Cinderella Cake recipe:

The Dispatch - Google News Archive Search

Here’s the Google News archive search form. I usually use these
search terms in the “with at least one of the words” field:

teaspoon teaspoons tablespoon tablespoons recipe

Google News Archive Search - Advanced Options

Some of the old papers are viewable for free. The NY Times, LA Times
and some others charge a fee. (I just look for a free listings).

So there are about 100 years of old recipes available online in old