Mars Attacks Take Me To Your Liver

Mars Attacks Take Me To Your Liver

When the aliens finally come to take over Earth, you’ll be glad you ate this healthy dish. Liver builds strong muscles and bones, and we’ve actually found a way to make it taste good, as well!

You will need:

For the liver and onions:

1 1/2 lbs. calf’s liver, sliced 1/4" or as thinly as possible
2 cups cold milk
2 tablespoons finely chopped shallots
6 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
4 tablespoons balsamic vinegar or sherry vinegar
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
3 onions, thinly sliced
For the breading:

1/2 cup all-purpose flour
3/4 cup breadcrumbs
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

For the sauce:

olive oil for sauteing
3 tablespoons capers
1 tablespoon chopped shallots
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar or sherry vinegar
1 cup beef stock
3 tablespoons cold butter, cut into pieces
2 tablespoons fresh Italian parsley, minced
1 lemon, cut into wedges
1 copy “To Serve Man”

Rinse the liver well in cold water; place in a bowl, and cover with cold
milk while assembling the next few ingredients.

In a small mixing bowl, combine the shallots, vinegar, mustard, and 3
tablespoons of olive oil. Drain the milk well from the liver, stir in the
shallot marinade, cover, and refrigerate for 20 minutes.

Place a large, heavy sauti pan over low heat and add the remaining olive
oil, sliced onions, and a pinch of salt. Cover the pan with a tight fitting
lid and cook until the onions have softened, released their liquid, and
turned a golden brown (about 30 minutes, stirring occasionally). Set aside
over a low heat to keep warm.

Combine the flour, breadcrumbs, salt and pepper on a large plate and stir
together with a fork.

Heat a large frying pan over high heat with just enough oil to cover the
bottom of the skillet. When the oil is very hot, dredge the liver in the
flour mixture and shake off the excess. Fry for no more than a minute on
each side. The liver should be crisp and golden brown on the outside and a
little pink in the middle. Cook in batches, transferring the cooked liver to
a warm platter loosely covered with aluminum foil.

Reduce the heat under the frying pan and allow it cool a minute before
adding capers, chopped shallots, and vinegar. Boil and reduce the vinegar
until syrupy; then add the beef stock and reduce by half. Remove the pan
from the heat and add the cold butter piece-by-piece, while whisking
vigorously and shaking the pan. Stir in chopped parsley.

Arrange the liver and the browned onions from step #3 on serving plates and
spoon some sauce over each portion. Garnish with lemon wedge and Italian
parsley. Serve with pride; secure in the knowledge that once you’ve taken
them to your liver, they will come in peas.

Serves 4