Master the Art of Bread Making
The Easy Guide to Better Bread
Are You Ready to Make the Best Bread in the World that is the Envy of All Your Friends?
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So here’s what you’ll discover in my “Master the Art of Bread Making – The Easy Guide to Better Bread” ebook:
-Getting started with bread making;
-Understand the magic properties of yeast and other ingredients;
-Deciding whether to use a bread machine or your oven;
-Features to look for when shopping for a bread machine;
-Which utensils to buy when getting started with bread making;
-A step by step method to measure ingredients properly;
-About the sticky business of dough;
-Common mistakes with making bread and how to avoid them;
-Favorite quotes about bread to accompany each chapter;
-Special bread making recipes for the whole family;
-Using your bread machine to create many other special treats for the whole family such as specialty breads, sweet breads, festive breads, cakes and jams;
-Health benefits of making your own bread;
-Bread Baking Glossary – a comprehensive glossary of bread making terms;
-Much, much, more!
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