
Hi - I just attempted my first batch of homemade mayonnaise. Everything was going along fine until I got about halfway through adding the third cup of oil. Then BAM! everything broke and liquefied. I also noticed about this time how hot my blender base and glass blender jar had become. Could that have had anything to do with it? I got so far before there were any problems - I really thought I was home free!! What went wrong?

Mayonnaise with an Immersion Blender

[i]A Poem About Mayonnaise?

A Blender at the end of a stick,

will make you mayo very quick!

With all your ingredients at the temp of the room,

how could your mayonnaise fail to bloom?

If the width of the jar is nearly the same,

as the end of the stick then you’re in the game.

To a one quart jar add the egg of a chicken,

both yellow and white and your mayonnaise will thicken.

On top of the egg way down in the jar,

add vinegar, spices and you will go far.

Now carefully pour on top of the stuff,

the oil of your choice, but just use enough.

Turn off the stick, press the egg to the bottom,

now turn it on and we almost have got’um.

When you see mayo at the end of the stick,

slowly pull upward that’s part of the trick.

With the blender now at the top of the jar,

it’s mayo you wanted so there you are!

Though Mayo’s a matter of personal taste,

when it’s around me it won’t go to waste.

Finding Hellmann’s or even the Food that is Best,

depends on whether you’re east or you’re west.

But wherever you end your food buying trip,

you always will find they have Miracle Whip!

  • Antilope[/i]

Homemade Best Foods/Hellmans Mayonnaise using stick blender

1 whole egg, medium or large size
1 Tablespoon lemon juice (bottled ok)
1 teaspoon distilled white vinegar
1 teaspoon dry mustard (or 1/4 tsp prepared yellow mustard)
1/4 teaspoon table salt
dash white pepper
1 cup vegetable (canola*) oil, room temperature

*Olive Oil will make a strong flavored mayo that tastes very different from
regular mayonnaise. So just be aware of this if you choose to use olive oil.
Canola is a neutal flavored oil that makes a mayo similar to most store brands.

Break egg into bottom of 1-quart canning jar or other tall narrow jar that
allows you to immerse the mixing blades of a stick blender all the way to
the bottom. The jar should be only slightly wider than the end of the stick blender.

Add lemon juice, vinegar, mustard, table salt and white pepper.

Add 1 cup of vegetable oil.

Place mixing blades of stick blender (turned off) all the way to the bottom
of the jar, pressing down over the egg.

Turn stick blender on high speed, hold in place at bottom of jar for about
5-seconds until you see mayonnaise form under stick blender’s mixing blades.

Slowly pull stick blender upward until the mixing blades reaches top of jar,
taking about 5-seconds more . The stick blender will turn the oil into
mayonnaise as it is pulled slowly to the top of the jar.

After chilling in the fridge, this mayonnaise gets slightly thicker and tastes
very much like Best Foods/Hellman’s Mayonnaise.

Makes about 1 1/4 cups of mayonnaise.

Miracle Whip emergency copycat

1 cup regular mayonnaise
2 or 3 teaspoons powdered sugar
1/4 teaspoon lemon juice
1/4 teaspoon prepared yellow mustard
dash of paprika
dash of garlic powder

For people that want to cut back on sugar, I’ve found you can substitute
1/4 to 1/2 a teaspoon of Stevia sweetener for the powdered sugar.

Mix well. Use in an emergency then hurry to the store to get more Miracle Whip.

I like reguar mayo and I also like Miracle Whip.
Last edited by Antilope; June 21st, 2011 at 06:23 AM.

The name Mayonnaise seems to have been inspired by French word, manier which implies blending or moyeu which means egg yolk. And as the process of mayonnaise preparation is carried on through blending therefore it provides enough clues about France being its originating land. However various stories follow regarding the controversial origin of mayonnaise.