Meal Plan Help

Hey Guys! We will have a family gathering there will be relatives who will visit our home for the weekend. Mom assigned me for the meal planning, but I am quite unsure I can do it well. I still am learning to cook, and there are lots to learn. What do you think are the best food to serve? Your suggestions will really be a great help.

You can’t go wring with seafood. There are plenty at the recipe sharing thread. By the way, when is the gathering?

That would be on first Sunday of July…the 5th is my Grandpa’s birthday and the family decided to celebrate on weekend so other relatives can attend. I still have plenty of time…:slight_smile:

Yes, seafoods are really great to serve!:slight_smile:

I think of salmon, stir-fry shrimp, steak, and roast chicken.

What do you think guys? Would flank steak be alright? I haven’t tried doing this yet, but my sister told me to prepare beef. I also consider stew because I don’t need to spend much.

Now, I’m thinking of good desserts to match. Suggestions?