Mrs. Truman's Frozen Lemon Pie

Mrs. Truman’s Frozen Lemon Pie

Served by First Lady Bess Truman

2 eggs, separated
1/3 cup fresh lemon juice
1 tablespoon grated lemon rind
1 cup whipped cream
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup crumbled graham crackers

Beat egg yolks. Add lemon juice, rind and all, with two tablespoons of sugar. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly. Cool.

Beat egg whites, add two more tablespoons of the sugar, fold into cooked mixture; then fold in whipped cream.

Line greased pie or refrigerator pan with graham cracker crumbs. Save some to sprinkle on top. Pour filling into pan and freeze.

Serves four.

Source: President Harry Truman Library

This recipe was transcribed incorrectly. The instructions above should state:

Beat egg yolks, add lemon juice and rind, and all but 2 tablespoons of sugar. Cook over low, stirring constantly. Cool.

If you follow the recipe above you will have 4 TB of sugar unaccounted for at the end of the construction.

Our family makes this with ginger snaps instead of graham crackers which I think it much better, but not original.
Also, this will easily serve 8 if not more.

Here’s the link to the original recipe at the Truman Presidential Library website:

LINK Truman Library - Recipes