Navajo Tacos

Navajo Tacos and Fry Bread

According to Family Circle magazine,
who originally printed this recipe,
it comes from the Navajo Chinle Agency
in Arizona.

Navajo fried bread:

4 1/2 cups all purpose flour
1 tbsp baking powder
2 tbsp non-fat dry milk
1 tsp salt
1 1/2 cups warm water
1 cup vegetable oil

Taco filling:
Chili topping - recipe follows
1 1/2 cups iceberg lettuce, shredded
1 medium size onion, finely chopped
2 medium size fresh tomatoes, chopped

Combine flour, baking powder, powdered milk and
salt in a large bowl. Gradually pour in warm
water and mix with dry ingredients to form a
ball. Knead in bowl or on a lightly floured
surface with floured hands until smooth and
elastic, about 10-minutes.

Cut dough into eight equal pieces. On a
lightly floured surface, pat each piece with
palms of hands, or roll out with a rolling pin,
into a circle 8-inches in diameter and about
3/8-inch thick.

Pour enough oil in a medium-size skillet to
make a 3/4-inch depth. Heat oil to 450 degrees F.
Slip flat dough rounds, one at a time, into
hot fat and fry, turning once, about 2-minutes
on each side, until puffed, golden and crisp.
Drain on paper toweling. Keep warm while
frying other dough rounds.

Place 1 warm fried bread on each of 8 warm
plates. Divide chili topping mixture evenly
on fried bread. Garnish each with lettuce,
tomatoes and onion. Serve at once on a
bed of lettuce leaves, if desired.

Makes 8 servings.

Chili Topping:

1 1/2 pounds ground beef or raw ground turkey
1 tbsp vegetable oil
1 1/2 to 2 tbsp chili powder
2 cups cooked pinto beans (3/4 cup dried, uncooked)
1 1/4 cups Cheddar cheese, shredded, lightly packed

Saute meat in oil in a medium-size skillet, stirring
constantly, until pinkness disappears.
Stir in chili powder and pinto beans.
Cook about 3-minutes until beans are hot.
Blend cheese into meat-bean mixture. Stir until melted.

Source: Family Circle Magazine, Feb 1980;
reprinted in the Modesto Bee newspaper, Sep 16, 1987