NO One Is Looking at my Recipe's

I am brand new here and this is not a good way to start when not (1) person has viewed my 2 recipes. These two are my favor’s my Stuffed Hotdogs and Spinach Balls Hope some one out will give me there opinion:sad:

Looks like you have about 140 views on your stuffed hotdog recipe, and about 80 on the spinach balls. People look, but maybe don’t want to reply for some reason. They could be board-shy!

I would say the majority of recipes posted here dont have any comments so you are not a special case.

Dear Kitchen Witch,

I will reform and tell you which of your wonderfully written recipes that I have copied. The one that I have left out waiting for your reply is the 1-2-3- Cookies. Unfortunately the others are filed already but I promise to remember to post a reply on those I look forward to trying.

We have round cookies that are similar to Graham Crackers, maybe a little thicker. However, If you weighed the 1 1/4 packages of the Nabisco Graham Crackers, I could make the cookies using the Digestive Cookies.:stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you.


BTW what state do you live in?

Thank you for answer to my question. Suggesting I use one and one half cups of the crushed biscuits will make the recipe very easy for me to use the digestive biscuits instead of the graham crackers.:stuck_out_tongue:

When using digestives in place of graham crackers I add a bit of sugar and cinnamon.