1925 Missouri Farm Women’s Cookbook
Puddings and Sauces
4 eggs (whites only) 1 cup sugar
1 tablespoon gelatine (heaped) 1 cup pineapple
1 cup warm water 1 cup nuts
Beat whites of eggs stuff; dissolve gelatine in water, beat this into eggs; then add sugar, nuts and pineapple. Serve when cool, or is much nicer if put on ice.
--Mrs. Kate Moore
½ cup chopped suet ½ cup raisins
1 ½ cup flour 1 egg, beaten with
2 teaspoons baking powder one cup milk
Pinch of salt
Mix in order given and steam one hour.
1 tablespoon flour 1 cup boiling water
½ cup sugar 1 egg, well beaten
Mix flour with sugar, add boiling water and stiff over the fire until it boils; add flavoring and pour while hot into well beaten egg.
--Elizabeth Callison, Kahoka
1 pint boiling water 2 eggs
3 tablespoons cornstarch 1 ½ cups milk
1 cup sugar Vanilla
3 lemons (Juice only) 2 tablespoon sugar
Stir the cornstarch, dissolved in a little cold water into the boiling water, add one cup of sugar and cook for a few minutes, until clear; just before taking from the fire add the lemon juice. Beat whites of eggs to a stiff froth, then add the thickened lemon jelly, beating constantly. Turn at once into a mold. It should be served very cold, with a custard made from the yolks of the eggs, milk and two tablespoons of sugar, flavored with vanilla.
--Mrs. A. K. Rolfe, New Truxton
3 eggs 4 tablespoons sugar
2 cups milk Flavor
Bananas Cake
Put a layer of cake in a dish, then a layer of bananas, until the dish is full. Then make a custard of two while eggs and the yolk of the third, milk and three tablespoons of sugar. Cook and turn over the contents of the dish. Beat remaining egg white, add one tablespoon of sugar and spread over top, set in oven until frosting is brown.
--Mrs. Maggie Wells, Trask
1 pint milk 1 tablespoon flour
1 cup sugar 6 bananas
3 eggs
Make a custard of milk, sugar yolks of eggs and flour; boil until thick. Line a pan with wafers and slice bananas on wafers. Pour custard over. Beat whites of eggs, put on top and brown.
--Sophia Weber, Mt. Vernon
1 ½ cups stewed prunes 1 teaspoon soda, dissolved
¾ cup molasses 1 teaspoon cinnamon
½ cup ground walnuts ½ teaspoon cloves
2 cups Graham flour ½ teaspoon nutmeg
1 cup sweet milk
Boil in molds from 1 ½ to 2 hours. Serve with
Hard Sauce
1 ½ cups powdered sugar 1 egg white
½ cup butter 1 teaspoon cream tartar
Cream butter and sugar, add white of egg, beaten stuff, then cream tartar and flavor to taste.
--Mrs. E. B. Jennings, Mt. Vernon
6 eggs (whites) 1 cup English walnuts
1 cup prunes ½ cup sugar
Cook prunes slightly and chop fine. Chop nuts fine. Beat whites or eggs to a stiff froth and add sugar. Flour nuts and prunes, add to the whites. Bake in a slow oven forty minutes. Serve with whipped cream.
--Julia Van Horn
1 cup rice 1 tablespoon butter
1 pint milk 1 lemon
4 eggs Salt
1 pint sugar Flavoring
Cook the rice, add yolks of eggs, beaten, milk, butter, salt, flavoring and grated rind of lemon. Put into a pudding pan and bake until nearly set. Beat the whites of eggs, add juice of lemon and sugar; beat well, spread over the top and bake until done.
--Lottie Pierson, Mt. Vernon
1 cup rice 1 teaspoon salt (level)
4 cups water ½ cup sugar
4 eggs 1 teaspoon extract
Boil rice in salted water until tender; add sugar; beat eggs and add, then add extract and beat well. Serve either hot or cold with cream.
--Mrs. H. J. Bourdeau, Trask
½ package Knox gelatine 1 pint sweet cream
1 pint cold water English walnut
1 cup sugar 1 small can grated pineapple
½ teaspoon mapleine
Soak gelatine in water, with sugar, for five minutes; then heat until sugar is dissolved. Add mapleine and set aside to coo. Whip the cream stuff, chop walnuts and add to cream, also the pineapple when the gelatine begins to set, beat all together. Color a pretty shade of pink. Halves of walnuts may be put on top if desired.
--Mrs. S. T. Coolley, Centralia
1 tablespoon butter 2/3 cup sugar
1 egg ¼ teaspoon salt
3 tablespoon cornstarch ½ teaspoon vanilla
1 pint milk
Put sugar in frying pan and keep shaking it to keep from burning. Heat milk and blend with sugar. Add cornstarch and egg. Flavor and serve cold, with cream.
1 pint milk 2 tablespoons sugar
1 egg 1 tablespoon flavoring
1 tablespoon cornstarch or flour
--Mrs. W. F. Roberts, Worth
1 package orange jello 1 cup cooked prunes, chopped
2 cups boiling water
1 cup grapenuts ½ cup sugar
1 cup seedless raisins 1 teaspoon cinnamon
½ teaspoon allspice
Dissolve jello in boiling water; add other ingredients, let stand to cool and harden. Serve with whipped cream.
--Mrs. T. F. Clare, Montgomery City
1 cup sugar ½ cup suet
3 tablespoons molasses ½ teaspoon cinnamon and
1 cup nuts nutmeg
1 cup raisins 2 cups bread crumbs
1 cup figs, dates pr prunes 1 quart sweet milk
1 egg 1 teaspoon soda in a boiling
water to dissolve
Steam three hours. Serve with whipped cream.
--Miss Elisa Cullen, New Cambria
1 cup grated carrots ½ cup butter, melted
1 cup grated potatoes ½ teaspoon cloves
1 cup sugar ½ teaspoon nutmeg
½ cup raisins ½ teaspoon cinnamon
½ cup currants 1 teaspoon soda
--Stir sodae into grated potatoes; flour the currants and raisins; mix all together and steam three hours. Serve with hard sauce
--Mary Walls, New Cambria