Orange Julius

This is an all time favorite of my kids and now that it is heating up outside it will be requested a lot. It is kind of like a dessert and sometimes when we have it in the freezer we will blend in some vanilla ice cream for extra creaminess. Enjoy!

1/2 can frozen Orange Juice Concentrate
1 Cup Water
1 Cup Milk
1/4 C Sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1-2 Cups ice (depends on desired consistency)

In a blender, blend orange juice, milk, water, vanilla, and sugar until well blended and smooth. Add ice and blend until desired consistency is reached.

I am glad you liked it!

Has anyone tried adding some vanilla ice cream instead of water?

Sunset Boulevard Residence 2 Prathumnak

I have often added a couple of scoops in addition to the water, I just take out the milk, or add less milk. Also you can add ice cream and add less ice for consistency. When you add ice cream it makes it more like a milk shake which is still really good. This is a recipe that is really easy to experiment with until you get it JUST the way you like it. My husband actually likes to change something EVERY time he makes it.

Thanks. I was wondering if I add some ice cream instead of water, it would taste like an orange sicle.

Art On The Hill Condo Pattaya

Good post. I appriciate it