Orange Slice Cake

Got this recipie from a friend years ago, a Christmas Tradition every since
and where I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my recipie search and not seen this one,
thought you too might enjoy… very moist, festiveand tasty.

Orange Slice Cake preheat oven to 250

The Glaze: nite before, combine the glaze then set aside:
1 cup Orange Juice
2 cup powdered sugar

The Cake:
Cut up and set aside: 1lb. dates
1lb orange slice candy
1/2 cup flour (this is to keep the fruit n nuts from sticking together)

Combine and set aside: 3 cup flour ( I like to sift twice, makes for lighter bread)
1 Tbs. cornstarch
1/2 tsp. salt

Combine and set aside to dissolve: 1 tsp. baking soda
1/2 cup buttermilk

Cream til light: 1 cup butter
2 cup sugar

Beat into the creamed mixture, 4 eggs ( 1 at a time, beating well after each addition )

Beginning and ending with the dry mixture,
alternately add the dry ingredients and buttermilk to the creamed mixture, blending well with each addition.

The dough will be thick thus, mixing with your hands,
blend in the dates and orange candy
1 cup nuts ( I like black walnut)
1 cup coconut

Pour into 3 small loaf pans, fill only 3/4 full
Bake 1hr at 250 degree oven, test doneness with toothpick
Pour Glaze over Warm Cakes … set aside overnite to properly set up

Trust you’ll enjoy as much as we do … Cowgirl

Hi cowgirl, Welcome to this wonderful site. An awesome first post. I am going to make this after the 4th because I won’t have time before…too much going on. I do have a couple fo questions about the ingredients. Are the orange candies the ones that are like a gum drop, but in the shape of an orange slice and covered with sugar? And what type of coconut do you use…shredded, flaked etc.?

Thank you,


Yes, the orange candies are the ones that are like a gum drop, but in the shape of an orange slice and covered with sugar.

The coconut, is flaked…
anxious to hear your results…Cowgirl

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly, Cowgirl. I will let you know, but I know the results will be awesome.
Thanks again,

Hey there Cowgirl…

Welcome to RecipeSecrets…We’ve got a pretty good gang here…and now your part of it !!! Great first post…hope you have fun and share ALL your RecipeSecrets with us… it won’t take you long to “sort out the wheat from the chaft” …hehe… there’s always a few “bull muffin” piles to side-step…but you’ll do just fine! Don’t be afraid to ask any questions…and considering you’ve already had a great intro recipe…you need not be afraid to post any further recipe(s)…and I look forward to more great “Cowgirl” posts! Once again…WELCOME to the club!

:lol: A hearty howdie…doodie - from the TNT kitchen(s) of: :lol:

B-man :wink: :smiley: :wink:

Boy do you like to cook or what? see where you have soooooooo many GREAT recipies posted, am diffinatley going to give some a try…

Also, many thanks for entering the name of the recipie as well as your name in the body of the message with each recipie submitted…makes copy/paste and credits due much easier… Cowgirl