Parker House Inn Creme Brulee

Parker House Inn Creme Brulee

2 cups heavy cream
6 tablespoons white granulated sugar
5 large egg yolks
1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract
Granulated sugar

Scald cream in heavy-duty saucepan. Beat yolks, sugar and vanilla with
electric mixer until pale and thick. SLOWLY pour hot cream into egg mixture
while beating at the lowest speed.

Ladle into custard cups and place in roasting pan. Pour very hot water into
pan two-thirds up the sides of the cups. Bake at 325 for 35-45 minutes.
Remove cups from pan and let cool. DO NOT OVERBAKE - the middles can still
be ‘nervous’.

Chill if holding for any length of time before serving. Just before serving,
sprinkle tops with granulated sugar and caramelize using either a propane
torch or popping under a broiler until sugar is browned and bubbly. Garnish
with a few raspberries or other fruits if desired.

Makes either 4 6-ounce servings or 6 4-ounce

Recipe By : Parker House Inn, Quechee, Vermont