Pastry and Filling


When pastry is rolled too thin;

  • it absorbs juices easily
  • it may not brown well
  • top crust softens when pie cools
  • crust breaks easily.

When pastry is rolled too thick;

  • it may not bake thoroughly.

When pastry is not properly fitted;

  • it may not brown evenly on bottom
  • air under crust causes bubbles, making crust uneven
  • it may shrink during baking if stretched too much
  • edge may become too brown if pastry is too far above pan.


When too much filling is used;

  • juice may cook out into oven
  • filling may not be thoroughly cooked

When too much sugar is used;

  • it may be too sweet
  • it may be too syrupy, possibly cooking out into oven

When too much thickening is used;

  • filling may be pasty

When not enough filling is used;

  • pie may be uneven in shape, lower in center than at sides

When not enough sugar is used;

  • filling may be sour
  • may be too thin to serve nicely

When not enough thickening is used;

  • filling may be too juicy
  • crust may soak
  • pie is hard to serve.

** Always make open slits on your top crust before baking to let steam escape during cooking. This will also help prevent fruit pies from spilling over from sides.