Pg. 60 from Better Homes & G 10th edition

Hi all . . .
I’m missing pg. 60 from the Better Homes and Gardens New Cookbook - 10th edition . . . mine’s a paperback. At some point I pulled it from the cookbook - it’s my favorite recipe for Strawberry Daiquiris . . . I remember it had powdered sugar and frozen lemonade concentrate along with the usual ingredients . . . would appreciate any help, thanks, DG

KW’s is the same, but I remember that they told you how much ice (and rum)also . . . thank you to KW and Rupert . . . we all agreed it was our favorite . . . also, just to take it further, we went to a bring-your-own New Years party, and we ended up going to the store and buying about 5 times what we brought because everybody wanted them . . . and I recall measuring the 2 cups of ice (20 - 24 can be a lot more than 2 cups depending on the size of the cubes) . . . aand we used the lemonade concentrate . . . throw it all in a good blender and enjoy! DG

Have you tried looking in your neighborhood library for the BH&G 10th edition? They might have a copy or they might be able to get it through inter library loan. You could also try garage sales. Often people sell old cookbooks.
Just a thought…