Pick Up Your Pace (Heart Health)

Pick Up Your Pace (Heart Health)
Trying to get in 60 minutes of moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity on most days may seem like a lot. But you can do it, and doing it with the family can make it easier. These strategies can help you get moving, even if you need to do it in small intervals throughout the day:
nstead of e-mailing or phoning colleagues, walk to their offices and back again.

Challenge your child to jump rope for 5 minutes. When he or she is done, enjoy a big hug. Then, give it a try yourself!

Play outside with the dog for 20 minutes after work.

Then, try some more vigorous activity:
When you’re out walking, pick up your pace. Go faster than you usually do.

Take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator.

Jog up the stairs rather than walk.

Play singles tennis rather than doubles.

If you swim laps, do the last two as fast as you can.

B-man :wink: