I would love to have the recipe for Tokyo Steak House salad dressing.
I think it has ginger in it. I’m not sure if it is similar to Shogun’s or not.
I have BOTH Benihana dressing recipes. I didn’t know which one you wanted.
Email me and I will forward it to you!!
I would like to have Shoguns or Kobe Japanese Resturants Ginger Salad Dressing. Anyone have it? email me cafrost46@earthlink.net
Does anyone have the House of Toykos salad dressing recipe? Thanks much!
It would of been nice if I would of sent my email address. Sorry :o)
i would love to have the tokyo house recipe if someone could email it to me! my email is lmonk@stallions.abac.edu. thanks so much!
I would appreciate any KOBE recipes available
I would love to have the sauce that Shogun or Kobe puts in their fried rice. One of the cooks told me it was diferent than the ginger salad dressing even though it looks the same. My email address is stormyfemale@gmail.com