Red amaranth/spinach (bayam) in coconut sauce


1 bunch (350g) red amaranth/bayam - cut off the roots and sliced into 1 inch length
2 cups fresh/carton milk
1 red chilly - sliced
1 green chilly - sliced
1 tbsp desiccated coconut
1 ( about 80g) onion - sliced
1 tsp mustard seeds
1 tsp cumin seeds
2 sprigs curry leaves
3 tbsp oil
salt to taste


When oil is heated, add in the chillies, onion, curry leaves, cumin and mustard seeds.
Saute until the seeds starts to pop.
Goes in the veg, coconut milk,desiccated coconut and salt to taste.
Stir all in and let it simmer over low heat.
Once the gravy is heated through, remove to be served.