Sandra's Havarti Spread

This Havarti Spread is really nice appetizer to have while we are waiting for our food to cook on the BBQ.

This is a family request because they love to put it on anything. Usually crackers but have went at far as putting the mixture in chicken breast and grilling them wrapped in bacon. All that I can say are they Yummy.

This recipe is very forgiving. You put the amount of ingredients that you want. So it is easy to adjust for one person to a hundred.

Havarti Cheese
Green Stuffed Olives
Sweet Peppers, I like to use two or three colors.
Italian Dressing, The best one for us in Canada is from Sobeys called Sunshine Italian.

Mix the amount you want. Warm in microwave for about 1 minutes, add dressing and let sit for an hour or two. We like ours cold or warm. You be the judge and let me know what you think.

Happy BBQing from Canada.

Sandra and Colin