Seitan - the vegeterain meat

:wink: To make a long story short, seitan is vegetarian wheat meat derived from proteins in wheat flour. I use "black"flour (fine milled), and preparation is as follows:

Ingredients :
1 kg (about 2 pounds) of flour
5 - 6 deciliters of warm water

Mix flour and water and make dough, leave it to rest for 1/2 an hour, after that pour warm water on dough and leave to rest for another 1/2 hour. The dough is then kneaded and rinsed under water (in turn, under warm and cold water) to remove the wheat starch. Youā€™ll notice that first few rinses will produce white water (almost like milk) and your dough will try to ā€œescapeā€, but after another few rinses youā€™ll see that new ā€œshapeā€ is forming and that procedure isnā€™t that hard. You must rinse until you get totally clean water. Result is gluten, and you can prepare it in a way to cook it(boil it) in salted water (wrapped in kitchen cloth to help you maintain it one shape) about an hour.