Shed Pounds Safely ( Diabetes )

Shed Pounds Safely ( Diabetes )

It’s a logical thought: If you take less insulin, you’ll lose weight. In fact, a recent study found that some people with diabetes are skipping insulin injections to drop a few pounds. This practice, however, comes with some serious risks that far outweigh the benefits. Skipping an injection is very hard on your system and does not accomplish your goal — shedding excess fat. When you skip an insulin dose, your blood glucose rises and you lose proteins, salts, and fluid in your urine. This can make you very ill, to the point that you may require hospitalization.

If you’re looking to lose weight, do so safely, and under the close watch of your diabetes care team. Your doctor or dietitian can help you develop an eating and physical activity plan that won’t put your health at risk.

B-man :wink: