Simple Chicken Breasts,Mustard and Cream

1/1 Kilo Chicken Breast Fillets
2/1/2 Jar French or Wholegrain Mustard(not powdered mustard)
3/1 Cup Cream
4/1 Cup Plain Flour
5/200 Gram Butter
6/1 Egg

Slice Chicken Fillets as thinly as possible, then in a bowl mix chicken in 1/2 of the Mustard making sure each slice evenly coated, and leave to marinate for 1/2 hour.
Meanwhile break and whisk egg in a bowl, and pour flour into flat bowl.
Taking 1 piece of chicken fillet at a time toss in the egg shaking off excess then dredge in the flour to cover evenly.Set each piece aside on a plate lightly dusted with flour until all are done.
In a large, heavy based frypan gently melt 50 grammes of butter.
Once bubbles have subsided place 2 or 3 slices of chicken in pan at a tme and fry both sides until golden brown on a medium heat(remember not to crowd pan). Repeat until all slices are done (It may be nescessary to add more butter during this process)
Do not wash out pan but add all remaining butter(about 100 gram)and remaining mustard.Heat gently until butter melted.Add Cream and Carefully heat(do not allow to boil).
Add Chicken slices and stir to ensure all chicken coated with sauce.

Serve with cooked sliced potatoes and some green vegetable.

Sorry about the aussie measurements
hope you enjoy