Start the New Year "Cooking Right"

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Start the New Year “Cooking Right”

Most people will make a New Year’s resolution each year. Most will also break that resolution before the year gets too far underway. In fact, people who are going to break their resolutions do so within the first day or within the first month. There is hope however if you are planning to eat healthier throughout the New Year. The trick is to immediately begin rather than putting it off until tomorrow or until you have emptied the Christmas goodies from your pantry.

If you are among the many people around the world who resolve that this next year is going to be the year that you take positive steps to reducing your weight and improving your overall health, I suggest not loading up on carbohydrates and champagne. Begin the year by understanding portion size, the value of fresh vegetables, the idea that the meat isn’t supposed to take up most of your plate, and the notion that dessert is a rare treat not the anticipated ending of every ordinary meal.

  1. To start, rethink the way you eat for your New Year’s Day festivities, but also the way you prepare the foods you love. High fat preparation methods are out. Use seasonings that contain very few calories to no calories. Herbs and seasonings are a healthy Cook’s best friend because they help make food taste better.

  2. Avoid fried foods. The frying process adds simple carbohydrates and fat to your cooking. These are two things you want to try to reduce or eliminate from your diet all together. While I am not personally an advocate of removing all carbohydrates from any diet, I do believe it is a good idea to switch, whenever possible to more complex carbohydrates that are healthier to consume. I use an Air Fryer which can produce very good results without the oil and fat.

  3. Another tip is to try to keeping things on a more healthy note. A healthy theme would help to get everyone on board. “Bigger isn’t necessarily Better:thinking: is a good theme if you want to prime your guest for smaller portions. This would also help you to stick to the proper portion size and help you avoid over-eating and filling up. Try not to leave the table full. You may want to leave room for dessert (maybe). The trick is to take a small portion and have very little dessert or skip it altogether. I would put a small portion on a plasic plate, and just taste it. Eating the proper portions reduces the risk of overeating and feeling bloated or stuffed later on. It also helps you to improve your dietary habits.

  4. Prepare smaller meals rather than cooking one huge meal for New Year’s Day and carry that eating ethic through the rest of the year. Food is the fuel our body needs to carry out its duties and activities effectively. The bad news is that we enjoy food so much, and the food is so good that we overindulge, and this can complicate things for our health. I try to discover the optimal amount of food and calories is for my daily activities and try to stick to a diet that reflects that amount of activity.

When choosing what to cook, always keep your health and your family’s well being as your main priority.

New Year’s Day is a great day to begin a new way of eating.

Happy New Year!

Be well and be Safe! :mask: