Striving for Consistency ( Diabetes )

Striving for Consistency ( Diabetes )

It would be wonderful if you could create a precise formula for keeping your blood glucose levels right where you want them, if you could eat a specific amount of food, do an exact amount of physical activity, and take a precise dose of medication each day to keep your blood glucose in range.

Unfortunately, this is almost an impossible task. Even though the differences might be subtle, your routine changes every single day. That’s why controlling diabetes requires constant monitoring and adjustment. Often, just when you think you have a plan that works reliably, something shifts. Sometimes you can control these factors, and other times you may not even recognize them.

If you want to consistently monitor your blood glucose levels, here’s a good place to start: Understand yourself and the way you feel. If you know when your blood glucose is heading high or low (this takes regular monitoring), you can act on it and spend more time in a normal range.

B-man :wink: