Stuffed Tufoli

Stuffed Tufoli
A recipe from Mom.

1 box rigatoni noodles
3 pounds of ground beef
1 onion chopped fine or onion powder
1 tsp garlic powder
2 (15 ounce size) cans tomato sauce
2 Tbsp sugar
1 Tbsp oregano
1 Tbsp basil
2 tsp salt
1tsp pepper
grated parmesan cheese

Brown ground beef with onions and garlic powder. It should be in crumbles by the time it is done. let cool. Cook rigatoni till just al dente. Drain and cool off using cold water. Carefully stuff and set aside the rigatoni with the ground meat trying not to tear the noodles. This should use about two thirds of the meat. To the remaining meat add: tomato sauce, sugar, oregano, basil, salt and pepper. Cook this until the flavors meld and skim off any fat. In a square glass baking dish: put a layer of sauce, then a layer of stuffed noodles, then another layer of sauce and sprinkle with parmesan cheese. Repeat the layers until the baking dish is filled, ending with parmesan cheese. Bake at 250 degrees for 30 minutes. Serve with a nice salad and good Italian bread.

Stuffing the rigatoni is really a labor of love.

No doubt about that!

You are both right: it IS a labor of love and it IS really yummy! Mom didn’t make it often, but when she did it really honored the guests she had invited. I don’t make it often either, but I have made it to take as a meal for a few of those in our church who had just had a baby as a care meal.

Or a big (giant) shell!