Telemarketer Pees His Pants (Joke)

This has to be one of the funniest ‘reality’ calls I’ve heard. This guy keeps a tape recorder by his phone waiting for telemarketers to call and then scares them silly.

Click the link below and listen to what he tells them (Warning - this may contain some offensive language):

Have heard this before,but still laughed out loud.
Ron I love your recipes(ordered the book for my son) I especially like your personal notes and feel bad when you are having a bad day.
The E-Mail address is my personal one–you are family
Wishing you and your family a Blessed Christmas, Pat

Thanks Pat. Happy holidays.


I can’t get it to play, what do I have to have to hear it? Thanks,

Hey Ron
I enjoy getting your email and I laughed so hard when I heard the joke of the day Thank you so much. Happy Holidays to you Ron


I got “cannot find server”. Oh well. Ron,I love your site and your newsletter. Yes, you have my real email address.
Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas.

It works when I try it. I think you need to have Windows Media Player or a similar application that plays audio files.

Ron: Like the joke of the day - haven’t heard that one before. Maybe we could could come up with something like that for telemarketers when they call. Love your recipes and jokes - and I do not have a “crap” e-mail, I have only the one I gave you; and I always look forward to your e-mails. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas, Happy and Healthy New Year! Shirley

Thank you Ron a very very Merry Christmas to you and your family from Perth Western Australia our Christmas day will be 38c so it will be very hot. Will cook the ham in the webber to keep the house cool… Bless you and your freezing weather bottle some for us over here. alway use this address.

I guess you won’t be having a white Christmas :slight_smile: . I’m working on getting you that cold weather. If I can just figure out how to bottle it and send it to you :lol: .

Happy holidays to everyone and best wishes in the new year!


Ha ha ha ha haha Just what I needed!

Merry Christmas to everyone!

:stuck_out_tongue: :smiley: Ron,
That was a very funny joke, I had my son listen to it ( he hates telemarketers) he laughed till he cried, and we say send more!
you have my good e-mail adress.

Hi Ron, Loved your joke. Our family is one of millions that are looking for ways to thwart the devils (telemarketers) so it was enjoyed by all. A very merry Christmas and the best of all for the new year. Keep up your great work. CJ