Tom yam and prawns fried rice


3 cups cooked white rice
10 medium size prawns - de-vein and leave the tail part on
15 french beans/kacang buncis - sliced thinly
5 shallots - sliced thinly (kept aside 1/4 amount for garnishing)
5 garlic - chopped
1 1/2 tbsp ready-made tom yam paste
4-5 birds eye chillies/chilly padi - sliced (red chillies for a suttle spicy taste)
3 kaffir lime leaves/limau purut - shredded
4 tbsp oil
salt to taste


When oil is heated, add prawns, garlic and 3/4 amount of the shallots inside.
Stir and fry until prawns are cooked.
Put in the rice, tom yam paste and salt to taste.
Keep stirring until the rice is coated all over with the paste.
Next, goes in the beans, 1/4 amount of the kept aside shallots, chilllies and lime leaves.
Give a couple of stirs before removing from heat.