Using the SEARCH function for this forum

Forum Tip

You can search then entire forum for any recipe, ingredient, topic, or anything else by using the SEARCH function. 8)

Just click SEARCH on the top navigation bar.

Happy Surfing :smiley:

Ron Douglas

THANK YOU, you just made my day!! I check here everyday and I have tried alot of recipes, this site ROCKS

Youā€™re right - this sight is fantastic! I love it and tell my friends about it. You should become a member! :smiley:

Does anyone have a great recipe for green pepper soup? I have only had it in restaurants and would love to fix it for my Momā€¦I tried to find one in all the lists but to no avail. Know that someone out there has one for meā€¦you all always come through.

seems like a good time and spot to express my extreme pleasure for this siteā€¦itā€™s absolutely MARVELOUSā€¦so many EXCELLENT recipes and AWESOME committment by members. A special thanks to Kitchen Witch, B-Man to name a fewā€¦ Thanks ALSO Admin for the enormous task in making this all possibleā€¦Terriffic siteā€¦Thank youā€¦ Cowgirl

Was wondering if anyone out there has ever tried the date bar mix that Duncan Hines, Pillbury or Betty Crocker used to sell, it is no longer on the shelves and my daughter and grandson were just wild about them. It was a 2 part, l bag for crumb mixture and the other date. I sure would love to be able to make it for them.

1 1/2 sticks of butter
3 cups sugar
2/3 cup evapoter milk
1 jar of marshmellow cream
12 oz chocolate chips
1t. vanilla

Mix together first 3 ingredients over medium heat until it starts to bubbling. keep stiring for 5 minutes(set your timmer). Mix last 3 ingredients. Add any kind of nuts if you like. Put into greased 9x9 pan

[quote=ā€œjackie thorpeā€]1 1/2 sticks of butter
3 cups sugar
2/3 cup evapoter milk
1 jar of marshmellow cream
12 oz chocolate chips
1t. vanilla

Mix together first 3 ingredients over medium heat until it starts to bubbling. keep stiring for 5 minutes(set your timmer). Mix last 3 ingredients. Add any kind of nuts if you like. Put into greased 9x9 pan

Try not to laugh, but Iā€™ve looked at various places on the forum, clicked on as many icons as I could, but I STILL donā€™t see how I can just post a recipe. I see how to REPLY to something (as Iā€™m doing now). Is THAT how people post?

Trying to find some sort of clue, I clicked on ā€œgetting started,ā€ but I didnā€™t see any instructions or diagrams that explained precisely how to post anything. Whereā€™s the ā€œpostā€ icon, for example?

Thank you for the much-needed instructions. Because of your assistance, I just now managed (or so I think, anyway) to post my very first recipe at the Recipe Exchange. Itā€™s one that Iā€™ve served at family style get-togethers and at buffet dinners, and each time Iā€™ve been asked for the recipe. Itā€™s called ā€œBayou Bliss Seafood Casserole,ā€ and itā€™s proven to be a reliably good recipe.