Wanted: thin sweet pizza dough recipe

I can’t say it is a duplicate, but probably close enough for most people, especially for those that don’t get back to that area of Latrobe that often.

So this is what I used to make a small pizza…adjust the quantities for the size you need.

184g All-Purpose Flour
1T Sugar
1t Salt
50g Lard
6-8 T water with 2 T Honey

Mix Flour, Sugar and Salt
Chill the lard and cut into cubes, then work it into the flour mixture.
Slowly add the honey-water a couple of tablespoons at a time…like you were making a pie.
Shape and refrigerate to chill.
Roll into pie shape and bake.

I used Wisconsin Brick Cheese (Mild)
I ordered a case of Josie’s Pizza Sauce from Stellofoods.com Again, close enough to make it work.


I made the dough there for years. The owner, a grand daughter of the founder Mrs. Jioio has recently ticked me off to the point where I am thinking seriously about exposing the Real recipe as well as what it has morphed into over the years. I have also made the sauce which is much different from Mrs. Jioio’s original recipe however sauce is easy to make and can be made to the users taste. The complimentary part of the pizza is the type of cheese that is used and has been used for 50 plus years.

I would be willing to pay for credible advice if you can prove you have the knowledge.