Weight Loss for Insulin Resistance ( Diabetes )

Weight Loss for Insulin Resistance ( Diabetes )

Insulin resistance and weight problems often go hand in hand, but what’s the relationship between these conditions? Research suggests that being overweight causes insulin resistance rather than insulin resistance causing weight gain.

But while being overweight contributes to insulin resistance, losing weight can improve your insulin processing and even prevent the onset of diabetes. Cutting back on fatty foods is important, but many overweight adults compensate by eating too many calories from carbohydrate-rich foods. If you’re insulin resistant, eating too many carbohydrates will cause higher blood glucose, plus it will add extra calories to your diet.

To lose weight successfully and reduce insulin resistance, eat fewer carbohydrates and fats. The key is to find an eating plan that includes all of the food groups and is lower in calories than your usual diet.

B-man :wink: