What am I doing wrong??? Fudge

Ok… I have attmepted this 5 times with it coming out only once really…

I am attempting to make fudge using ar recipe I got from my moms old reader digest cookbook…

it calls for 2 cups sugar, 1 cup water, 1 can condensed milk, 4 1/2 oz semisweet chocolate

put the sugar and water in a heavy bottomed 3 qrt. pan and dissolve the sugar over low heat. Bring to boil, add the condensed milk, and boil gently until the candy thermometer registers 240. Stir occasionaly to prevent sticking. Remove the pan from the head and add the chocolate. Beat the misture until thinck using a wooden spoon…

OK here is what’s happening…

first I used my standard reverveware pan, then I used a corningware visions pan, then I finally went out and bought a good Chef Emeril pan…

with each of the first two pans it would boil over so then I tried to keep it from boiling over I have to keep the heat very very low, but the problem with that is that it will get to 200, 210 and wont get any hotter. It will sit there boiling away until it becomes darker and then almost gooey before I even add the chocolate. What I have tried to do then is turn the heat up a tiny bit to help it reach the required temp but then the botton will scorch and end up with brown burnt pieces in the mix. a couple times I have said forget it and but the chocolate in before it reaches the proper temp but then I just get paste… WHAT am I doing wrong??? How long should it take to get to 240? because I swear it will sit there for an hour and the temp wont move…

It can’t be my pan anymore because I really do have a good one now… is it my recipe???

I am at wits end :evil:

My pan is 4 qts so I know it cant’ be that… thanks for the new recipes however I don’t have a double boiler and since I just spent money on a new pan I just can’t justify doing it for a double boiler… I think it’s just better if I quit while I’m ahead… but thanks anyways…

You can also use a stainless steel mixing bowl for the top part of a double boiler. This is what I do when I need one, which isn’t very often.