When Low Blood Glucose Gets Serious ( Diabetes )

When Low Blood Glucose Gets Serious ( Diabetes )

Tight diabetes management is good for your health, but it can put you at risk for low blood glucose. If you’re trying for tight management, keep glucagon handy for emergencies. If it is not an emergency, food is a better, and less expensive option.
Glucagon raises blood glucose. In many ways, it does the opposite of what insulin does. You can get glucagon with a prescription from your doctor. Someone in your household must know how to mix up the glucagon and inject it if you become severely hypoglycemic, confused, and unable to swallow food. This will need to be done quickly.

Glucagon will raise your blood glucose within 10 to 15 minutes, but its effect doesn’t last long. Eat some crackers after you become fully conscious again. Some people are nauseated after receiving glucagon. Most severe episodes of low blood glucose happen while you sleep, so always keep it in one place, such as the refrigerator door. Your caregiver will be able to find it quickly.

B-man :wink: